Our Initiatives

Biminaawzogin Transition Homes
BRAWC has been providing housing supports for the Indigenous community in Simcoe County since 2013. In 2013, we opened Biminaawzogin Transition Homes for Indigenous women and children. BRAWC is the only Indigenous lead transitional housing provider in the region. With two housing sites located in Orillia, we assist and support Indigenous women and children by providing clients with culturally specific support services, within a culturally safe living environment.
Since the implementation of our existing transitional/supportive housing program, on average we receive 35-45 inquires per year. Homelessness continues to be problematic and we cannot meet the demands. Our referrals for our residential program now are prioritized through the Coordinated Access system.

"To Have Hope"
In 2018, BRAWC implemented an Indigenous Regional Housing First Program. We are the only Indigenous led housing first program across the County of Simcoe. Bagosenim - To Have Hope project assists Indigenous people experiencing homelessness into independent and permanent housing, providing additional supports and services as needed.
The basic underlying principles of housing first is that people are better to be able to move forward with their lives if they are housed and assist to shift people out of immediate crisis. The model also addresses physical, mental health, education, employment, substance abuse and community connections that are necessary to maintain permanent housing.

"Helping Each Other"
In 2023, BRAWC developed and implemented the project Naadamaadiwag - "Helping Each Other". The project is a multi collaboration between three Indigenous agencies those being: Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle, Georgian Bay Native Women's Association and Biminaawzogin Regional Aboriginal Women's Circle.
Naadamaadiwag - Helping Each Other provides staffing and outreach supports for Indigenous people experiencing homelessness. These would include referrals to services and supports, community outreach and food security programs, basic needs, wellness checks, pre-discharge planning from provisional institutions, as well as, coordinating case management and referrals for people on the By-Name lists.
Naadamaadiwag - Helping Each Other, provides Indigenous people with direct cultural connections, increase sense of belonging in a community; and supports to access traditional or culturally sensitive healing services (healing circles, sweat lodges ceremonies, access to traditional medicines)
Naadamaadiwag - Helping Each Other, has developed a Indigenous Housing Coalition. The coalition adopts a proactive approach to homelessness for Indigenous people. The coalition meets regularly to review best practices, education, awareness, advocacy, collection of data.